Greetings from the Sofa

Hello hello! I am sick again but hopefully on the mend. It's frustrating but at least this is just a cold and nothing worse. It started last week on Friday and I am so glad it held off for the craziest week of the year and now I can kind of take it easy for the next little while. You probably heard on Facebook (because I wouldn't stop posting about it) that I gave a talk for the American Women's Association on Tuesday night. I talked about it on the podcast which you can listen to here. But if you didn't hear about it, let's just say it was a pretty amazing moment. I was absolutely terrified and I still am not sure what I actually said but I know that I talked for about 20 minutes and nobody rolled their eyes so all is good in the hood. I also think that I would totally do it again and if are looking for a speaker, I'm available. My rate (until it changes) is a glass or two of bubbly and praise... always praise.

Before the talk I did a half day at work and then met the Kid and the Husband so that we could get him some more vaccines. This set was painful but he was a total champ and he didn't even cry. We have to go back in 8 weeks for a booster and I don't think he is going to be to happy about that. After that we took the bus home, I got ready and then met my friend D.K. at Cafe Pierre so that I could eat and have a drink and not hyperventilate. Then it was talk time.

On Wednesday morning the Kid woke up with a fever and the Husband stayed until the Nanny could come. Wednesday evening I headed home a little early and then it was like a scene from the Exorcist. A lot of laundry was done that night, my friends. Thursday morning I stayed home until the Nanny could come and then I headed to work. After work I ran to Yogaloft to interview the two owners of this awesome Yoga school. You can listen to that podcast here. After the interview, and feeling like I need to do much more yoga after staring at two faces that practically glow (no seriously, apparently hot yoga acts like a facial), I ran home to get changed and then headed to the Beaver Brewing Company. I wasn't sure how many people were attending the Therapy Networking Night but I was on a schedule and I couldn't stay long. I sat at a table booked for 8 and waited. My friend D.B. walked up and said "Oh look at Tova, she has no friends." Ha ha, laugh it up funny man. I went to the bar and we chatted briefly and then I had to leave for my next appointment. I hope some people showed up for the event after I left but I know it is a busy time of year. The next one will be in January when people are desperate for human contact. I was running late so I hailed a cab and headed to the 3rd district. Friends were hosting a cocktail party in their gorgeous apartment and I didn't want to miss it. And they truly have an adult apartment. I almost set my Ikea furniture on fire mentally once I took a walk around their place. Of course, I ended up being the last one there because I do love a cocktail party and I am obnoxious that way. I headed home around 10:30 and already felt the lurgy was lurking.

I headed to work looking a mess and by the afternoon, I was in full cold mode. I fell asleep the minute I got home and the Kid luckily was doing a lot better so he didn't kick me in the spleen more than once. Saturday morning he was fever free and I was snotty and so was the Husband. A plague on this house. I mainlined Dayquil, headed to Bobby's and then in the afternoon I had to go to Film Casino for an interview. I was interviewed by two different people for the Austrian newspaper Kurier. I am getting used to being interviewed now and I am grateful that both interviewers did it in English. I also am used to "Tova? That's an interesting name." I think from now on I will say something like "My parents named me after a piece of Ikea furniture" because with the new Austrian government and all. Heh. Also, apparently I am a Dutch chocolate sauce! Thanks to my friend for posting that on my wall! That was pretty surreal. That and being interviewed about Autism in Vienna. The guy who runs Film Casino was also interviewed and he asked me if I wanted to say something just before the film started and I said "No, I think I am good." I was not up for that. He said a few words, thanked me, I yelled "Thank you" back and then I walked home before Bambi started. It was a sensory friendly screening but since the Kid was still a little sick, he wasn't in attendance. The next screening will be in January so stay tuned for that! Apropos, also in January, the Cake Tree will open their doors for a couple of hours every second Monday of the month for families dealing with autism which is extremely exciting! Slowly but surely, more and more is happening!

At home I took a cat nap and then headed to my friend D.K.'s to make a Thanksgiving dinner for 2 and to tape a podcast episode (I just posted it to the Operation Tubetop Facebook page - it's somewhat serious and somewhat not. Which is an example of most of our talks). Adrenaline is amazing kids. I powered through it and ate way too much but it was a blast. After dinner and wine and podcasting, I waddled back home and slept until the Kid decided that 4 a.m. was the time to have a dance party. The three of us slept off and on through out Sunday and I guess that was pretty perfect besides the coughing. I decided to take today off once the Kid was on the bus to school because the temptation of a quiet apartment and a comfy sofa... well, you know the rest.

And, by the way, today is the day that 16 years ago the Husband and I went on our first date. It's amazing how time has flown and we had plans this evening to go out for bubbly at the Sacher Hotel and then dinner at Cantinetta La Norma but since we are both sick, we will have to do it another time. This is how you know I am really sick: I turn down dinner. Blergh. Fingers crossed I will feel better by tomorrow because I would like to wear normal clothes again and go for a run and stuff. This week is going to be a lot calmer. On Wednesday I am taping two podcasts (yes, I know I said CALMER) but otherwise, quiet nights at home ahead, trying to figure out how I can make my life more complicated. And on Saturday I will be going out for drinks for a friend's birthday. Other than that, nada! Hurray! I hope you all have a great week and that you are getting your stretchy pants out for American Thanksgiving. I swear I am still full from Saturday. Today as I slept on and off on the sofa, I made a decision to treat myself a lot better these next few weeks. I've been stress eating and I have been a little too merry so I need to calm it down and clean it up. So dedicated to this decision, I even had satsumas for lunch. Let's see how long this lasts. So for now, as always, toodles!


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