Slowly an End of an Era

Well hello there! Apologies for not writing for the last few weeks. It has been a wild few weeks with birthdays, conferences, work, events and so on and so forth. So really, business as usual. The big news is that in April I will be finally launching my new website which means that this blog will be slowly coming to an end. It's the next chapter and it's terrifying and exciting all at the same time. The website will be a great way for me to consolidate all of my projects and of course, to finally have something a little more professional (ha.ha).

Operation Tubetop has been a lifeline these past... I think 6 years? If you have been a regular reader of this blog, you will have been through a wild ride with me. From raising an infant, to working full time again, from starting the Kid in kindergarten to being kicked out of kindergarten(s), from rebirthing to an autism diagnosis, from frustration to hope. It's been real. Really real. And I wouldn't trade my experiences for the world because they have made me stronger and perhaps a little bit twitchier. 2018 is a year of transformation for me. It's a culmination of so many things that I have worked on these last few years. Sure, I still don't have a physical center for Autism in Vienna. And yes, I haven't made it big in besides in pant size. And of course my book is still only half way done. But a lot is happening and I feel and of course hope, that major projects will end up working out.

It's hard to do it on my own but I think that I have to put in the legwork to really appreciate the end result. I'm also lucky to have a huge amount of support so thank you all for that. I can't wait to share my new site with you and of course I will continue to blog on it. I feel like the time has come to slowly put Operation Tubetop to bed. Even writing that gets me a little verklempt.

I will keep you guys all updated on what is happening until the launch. And I will be podcasting this week to talk about all the fun things I have been doing recently. I write fun because that's an easier descriptor to use than holyeffingcrapthingsarenutsorightnow. But you know what, I wouldn't have it an other way. Toodles!


  1. no, as much as you thanked us, we, I mean I should thank you from write us nice post :)

  2. I recently migrated some blogs to WordPress from blogspot for a project I am involved with. The process is relatively painless although tags and categories don't get migrated separately, which can be a pain, but a lot easier than moving with copy/paste, particular if you have a lot of embedded images.

  3. I read your blog on the babies of Vienna website. My sin is currently experiencing the same thing. I would love to get in touch and find out which school worked out? Thank you so much:)

  4. It is too bad that Operation Tubetop here on this Blogger blog will be coming to an end, but kudos for all you pre-Toodles holyeffingcrapthingsarenutsrightnow endeavours!

    P.S.: I finally did a "NEW" Fbloggers 15 (re-posted) OOTD nylon panty outfit fashion and style lookbook post:


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